Arleen Palma

“Although it’s been years since I almost lost my battle to depression, my mom can’t talk about it without breaking down. I know for her the thought of losing me is painful. My mom is my inspiration and a big reason why I continue to fight for my dreams. She has always been there supporting my sisters and I. So when we first learn about the coronavirus, I at first wasn’t too scared because in the medical world they kept telling us it wasn’t that serious and that the flu was more dangerous. But as the weeks progressed, it turned out the virus became extremely dangerous. The first person I was concerned about was my mom because she has underlying health issues. I remember when I went to CVS to pick up her diabetes medicine the girl at the register asked  me if I was not scared. I answered I am not allowed to be scared. The truth is I was scared but as I go through medical school we forget we are humans too and we have all these emotions running through us. Ms.Hillary would constantly tell me it's ok to be scared. And she was right. Although yes all the doctors, nurses and everyone who is in the frontline are extremely brave and strong, we are human and this is extremely scary for us as well. We are scared to spread this to our loved ones too. But I know becoming a doctor is my purpose and I truly feel honored to be in the frontlines with extraordinary professionals who are fighting this virus day and night. I know my mom is extremely proud of me and no matter what, she only wants me to keep helping others.

Seven years ago, I would possibly not have been here. You see, I was going to commit suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge. I had been suffering from depression and for an instant forgot "Who I was" and "Why I was alive". Today I can own my story and use it to be an inspiration to others thanks to my amazing mentor. My first time mentoring with Ms.Hillary was March 25, 2013. I remembered going to that first meeting and crying my eyes out because I finally found somone who saw my true potential and was going to fight with me till I became who I was meant to be. My whole life I tried to fit in and have a "normal life" and God does not have that planed for me at all. My dream is to become a Doctor and help others in a more holistic way. I want them to see me as both a mentor and their doctor. I want to teach them to slow down and listen to their bodies and use that internal voice to guide their healthcare choices. I realized I had to accept and surrender to my purpose.

I also had to surrender that my life is not about me but about every person I cross paths. We surrender our life to be the LIGHT for others and we are a FAMILY!

As Ms.Hillary always says, "Get ready many blessings are coming your way!". I can attest that my life is becoming a dream come true because I have learned to enjoy my blessings and have refused to GIVE UP!

My life tribute is to those who have forgotten "why they were here" and no longer with us especially my cousin Kevin. Because of Rose2hope mentoring program, I am now pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor and currently attending third year of Medical school.“


Azalie Lopez

“When I was around 4 years old, I was molested by a close family friend. This experience scarred me in ways that I did not realize or understand until later in life. I’ve been taken advantage of several times throughout my whole life by different people, and I didn’t know how to stand up for myself when I felt that something wasn’t right. I was so used to letting people overstep my boundaries. I had to work really hard in my recent adult years to undo all the damage that not only others caused me, but that I had also caused myself.

I didn’t feel worthy of good things. I never felt like I was enough. I was so accustomed to appeasing others because I cared so much about what others thought of me that I never stopped to think of putting myself first for once. I didn’t feel that I was worthy of healthy love. The only guys I ever took an interest in were guys that were broken, like I was. I never thought there was hope for me, so the only way I felt better was by helping others. I slowly drained myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

I completely stopped caring about myself, my feelings, and my life. I was going to college, but I didn’t even care for school anymore. I had completely lost my passion to live. I didn’t see the point of living if I felt like such a failure as a friend, a sister, and a daughter. I never knew what it felt like to be proud of myself. I sat and wondered if there’d ever be a day when I wouldn’t feel so depressed, anxious, and suicidal. 

This is who I was when God first put Ms. Hillary in my path. The moment I spoke to Ms. Hillary, she told me her vision for Rose 2 Hope. I didn’t know it then, but Rose 2 Hope was exactly what I had been needing my whole life. As the eldest daughter of 3, with immigrant parents, I never had guidance on how to maneuver through the different stages of life. I felt such an enormous weight on my shoulders to be the best example for my younger siblings, and to make my parents proud. I had never believed in myself. Even through many of my great accomplishments, I suffered from imposter syndrome. I couldn’t accept that I was the one achieving great things. I was never satisfied with anything that I did and was never able to stop and enjoy the milestones in my life. 

Once I met Ms. Hillary and became a part of Rose 2 Hope, my journey of healing had begun. I feel that I’ve grown so much spiritually, mentally, and emotionally in the last 3 years of my life. Through Ms. Hillary and all the involvement I had with Rose 2 Hope, I was able to finally view my life, and myself, through a different lens. I have listened to numerous guest speakers that have opened up about their lives and explained to us how they got to where they are now and how they achieved their career goals, many of which we were also aspiring to obtain. I didn’t realize how similar I was to all of them and it made me realize that I’m not alone. We all have struggles, but through good support, we can do anything we put our minds to. I had never experienced such a motivating group of people. I was used to being surrounded by the “every man for himself” mentality. 

It was also through one of our assignments in Rose 2 Hope’s mentorship program called “Daily Affirmations” that I finally began to see myself for how worthy and capable I always was. It’s been 3 and a half years since I joined Rose 2 Hope and I am now able to celebrate my current and even my past accomplishments. I no longer suffer from anxiety for constantly worrying about the future. I no longer dwell in my past and let it limit me. Ms. Hillary always reminds me of who I am because sometimes we forget, but I feel so much stronger now because of all the support I’ve had through the org. 

It was because of Rose 2 Hope that I graduated from my university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and am now working in the Marketing Department of Goya Foods Inc.’s corporate headquarters. I am so grateful for Rose 2 Hope and I can’t wait to see what my future has in store for me.”


Hanzel Escorcia

“ I grew up with the sense that if I couldn’t feel, I would survive. As a result my emotions barely existed. With no emotions to remind me I was human, I slowly entered into depression where all I was surrounded by was emptiness and rage. I was only 12 when I first realized it would be ok to die, I wouldn’t care. Days of feeling like that turned to months, then to years. I met Ms. Hillary two weeks after my older brother committed suicide. She was there with an open heart and offered me the mentoring program @rose2hope.

I am so proud to call myself one of her “kids” like she likes to call us. Through the mentoring program, I realized that I have a lot to live for. That I have so many goals and dreams I want to accomplish. I been in the organization for 6 years and it has open many positive doors. When I think about @rose2hope I think of opportunity, safety, hope, and ultimately freedom. I feel the program gives youth and young adults a chance in this world. To me it’s been a blessing and it will continue to help me and others to gain skills to cope with the world and to turn our minds from becoming self crippling. Instead help us to accomplish our dreams and goals. I am now a photographer and mentor and hope to inspire others through my purpose.

Years have come and gone and like most things that sail in the flow of life, I have journeyed and made progress. While I was in the depths of my depression, I gave myself an ultimatum. If I turn 23 years old and nothing gets better, then I am better off not being alive. I made this choice when I was only 17 years old. I am now 24, halfway to 25. My due date for suicide has come and gone but I am STILL HERE! Years back, I set out to accomplish one of my goals which was to buy and live in a van exploring what this great country has to offer. On July of 2019, I embarked on a journey to California to pick up my van. I bought a one-way plane ticket and drove my van back to NJ in only 4 days. Nothing will beat sleeping in the canyons of Wyoming or smelling the Utah air. The van may just be a car to most, but to me it is an emblem of growth. A badge that shows that I have overcome my own mind and the obstacles put in my way. Ultimately, an icon of freedom. When I originally made my choice to live out my dreams by participating in van life, I was hit with an unnecessary amount of resistance. From my own self crippling doubts and fear of failure, to the very vocal disapproval of my family and surprisingly, a good portion of my friends. You would think that the very people who want to see you happy would support you to chase after your dreams. The good thing is I am more stubborn then a mule and kept pressing on towards my dreams in the face of adversity. I’m grateful to have had the support system I did throughout my past few years, such as the close knit group I have here at Rose 2 Hope because, without the support of what I can call a second family, I may have been another person who decided their dreams were too hard to follow and given up on it. Or worse, I actually could have followed through on my oldest plans and not be here. It could have been bad, but here I am. I am 24 but most importantly ALIVE! I look forward to driving the van and having many adventures” 


Alec Dron

“My family came from Belarus after the Soviet Union collapsed. My grandparents came with their parents and my parents. As Jews, living at this time was very difficult for them. When they arrived in America they had nothing, my dad worked several jobs earning very little money as a teenager to support my family. I am very fortunate now to have both of my parents and get a good education for myself. One of my passions is art. I have been creating art for literally as long as I remember. Many children draw, their parents give them crayons and paper and they doodle. I think I probably began the same way, except after I got crayons my parents got me cheap oil paints and a canvas and from there my passion for art only grew. About 90% of my drawing and painting skills are self taught, I only took formal art classes when I got older.

I am only 17 years old and want to pursue a college degree in neuroeconomics. It’s a newly developed field that essentially combines economics and psychology that delves deeper into the mind of economists and their decision making. Regardless of my academics, I have always tried to keep my love for the arts close to my side and I hope to keep pursuing my passion. Now that Rose 2 Hope has found me, they are allowing me to do so and make art for a reason. I have made several designs for the organization in collaboration with them. Working with the organization, for me, feels like I am finally using my art for a purpose.This organization has changed my life in a way I never expected it to change in. I never thought my art was something that special, for I had always made it for myself. Ms. Hillary has had me exploring some new concepts and discovering new mediums and materials and subject matters. At the organization's last fundraiser dinner, a few of my roses drawings sold and one was used as a raffle prize. I think the experience of someone receiving my art, having it in their home and simply experiencing joy from looking at it has made me feel as though my art can be more than something I make and keep for myself. It may seem to be a bit of a cliche but Leonardo Da Vinci is probably my greatest inspiration. As a kid, I got this set of books of master artists and for some reason Da Vinci’s book fascinated me the most. He was very smart and his mind was advanced, constantly looking to the future. He tried to create wings for people before planes were a concept. In addition to being such a creative inventor, he was one of the greatest artists. He painted the Mona Lisa, which today remains to be a great mystery, and even that painting had features few artists could even think of incorporating such as the background not being an interior wall. I look up to his sense of creativity and imagination, being a full grown man and having the mind of a child. I now draw with a purpose and look forward to keep learning and sharing with others.”


RJ Thach

“My family originated from Southeast Asia from a country called Cambodia. My mother and father immigrated to the United States after the Vietnam war. They had to leave everything they knew behind, including their family. Growing up I struggled with depression. I wish people would understand it isn’t just a feeling that can go away so easy. It’s these constant negative thoughts putting you down, overthinking, and making you believe you are not worthy. At times it can make you feel like complete shit and want to do terrible things to yourself. I am, however, learning I am not alone and have had the opportunity to meet others at Rose 2 Hope who also struggle like me. That alone has been beyond rewarding. With Rose 2 Hope, they all make me feel like I am family even though at first we were all complete strangers. It has made me open up and think about how positive life can be. It has shown me that youth like myself can obtain their dream job or still chase their dreams and have a good future. Being with the organization has been incredible and being able to be a part of their family is completely life changing. I don’t feel alone anymore and I know they will support me in my dreams. I really enjoy cooking, it is a time where I can be creative, different, and relaxed. My dream is to own a restaurant or become a famous chief. I just really enjoy the idea of food being from all different cultures/countries and it brings people together. You can make people happy through cooking and I wish to bring that to others. I personally look up to Gordon Ramsey and David Chang and hope to one day be in their foot steps. They are both truth to who they are and bring that to their cooking. I am still in High School but I now look forward to my future, something that before Rose 2 Hope I didn’t think was possible” “After being a part of the organization, I feel it has given me the motivation to keep pushing foward to try to achieve my dreams and my lifetime goals for the future. It's crazy just knowing that there are people who are willing to risk everything for you just so you can get to where you want to be. It gives me hope that there will always be someone in my life that wants me to be better and wants me to achieve my goals. But not only that, but also help me stay on that path. There was this special moment that meant a lot to me during the Rose Initiative program this past summer where one of the head mentors Hanzel, pulled me aside and said that he wanted to give me something. At that moment I just thought it was a piece of advice. But it wasn't, it was actually a Menu From Hell's kitchen but it was signed by Gordon Ramsay. I had mentioned to them Gordon Ramsay is someone I look up to and hope to one day visit his restaurant. That moment, I was completely speechless, I didn't know what to do, say or anything in general. All I felt was this couldn’t be real, I was in complete shock and amazed at what I was receiving. I am beyond grateful, it means a lot to me.” 


Alina Montalvo

“Graduating high school last year was one of the most bittersweet days of my life.For most of my life I was told graduating high school was an unrealistic goal. My journey throughout high school had not been the easiest. I had to constantly move to different high schools so I had to always begin from square zero. Every school was different but what was not different was how the adults and students judged me. The adults would just look at my file and without getting to know me labeled me as the kid with the bad file that didn’t care. To the students I was always known for being the loud and obnoxious Puerto Rican kid with a very bad attitude. No one ever expressed any actual belief in me, I felt like everywhere I turned and everywhere I went I was being judged based on “my file “, pieces of paper that haunted me from school to school for 5 years. No one really took the time to get to know me and understand my backstory. I got into fights, got bullied, got harassed and not once did anyone just ask me what was wrong. I learned at a early age I had to be “tough”, bury away my pain and not open up to anyone. It wasn’t until the summer before my senior year of high school when I realized that the best way to show everyone I was more then my past was to prove them wrong. I became determined to turn things around and graduate high school. I had no time to slack off so I started senior year putting in the work. I stayed after school multiple days out of the week, went the extra mile with classwork, jumping ahead of my classmates. For the first time I was proud of myself. June 7th was graduation day, I was ready for this moment, ready to walk the stage and see my family cheering me on. I not only received my diploma but also received an award and a scholarship. Not only did I prove many people wrong but I prove to myself I was worthy of a better future. I may not be perfect and may not have always been the best student, but I know if I put my mind to it, I can and will flourish. Ms. Hillary has never judged me, if anything she has always encouraged all of us to own our story, I hope others can be inspired by my story.

Both of my parents are from Puerto Rico but I was primarily raised by my mother and my 4 siblings. In my family there is a mindset that women really don’t go to get a career, let alone a college degree, and that it’s the man that goes out to work while the women stay at home. Although there is nothing wrong with this if that is what you choose,but I have learned that I can go to college and have a career for myself as well. It’s an old school mindset that has been taught to me as a little girl but I have realized that I must go after my dreams. I am the first woman in my family to pursue a bachelor degree and this motivates me to be the difference in my family. It is my hope to continue to work hard to one day have a full successful career and accomplished by graduating college with my degree. I am currently not sure what I want to major in but I believe in whatever I decide to major in, I will be successful. Meeting Ms. Hillary has helped me to see successful women who went to college and have a successful career for themselves. It’s the first time for me to be surrounded by powerful women I can relate and look up too. I am beyond grateful to Rose 2 Hope as they have helped me so much. I joined the organization right before my first year of college and I can honestly say that without the help of my mentors, I wouldn’t have made it through. They are real enough to the point where they make you wake up and realize that your future depends on you. But they are also sympathetic enough to level with you and understand you as you are. During the summer, I was part of their program, called the Rose Initiative where we got to go to NYC for a week and go to different companies and meet successful people who come from similar backgrounds like us. This was powerful because I could see visually that there are others like me that might have had a hard past but created a successful future. I love seeing women who despite what statistics say, found a way to show the world they could have it all. I truly give credit to Rose 2 Hope for helping me grow, not only as an individual but also to be a better daughter, sister, friend and overall better person.”